I know, I know--I've been off the radar for a long time. Truth is I got out of MINI board mode on my trip last fall and never really did jump back in. It's also been a crazy busy year what with this, that and the other thing. And the truth is, it's still crazy! I have two big work projects going simultaneously for the better part of the year.
NOW, with all the excuses out of the way, who wants to do the Toy Drive again this year? NO, WAIT, who wants to LEAD the Toy Drive this year? I'm swamped! I'm not going to be able to organize the event and probably won't be able to do much beside show up, if I'm lucky. If I'm really lucky, I'll make a mad dash to get toys the night before, assuming yada, yada, yada...
SOoooo, is anyone up to the task? Not that I have to be there, but I couldn't do it until the weekend of the 17th at the earliest. If someone's willing to contact the Pirate Toy Fund (or another charity?) and lead the charge, I think it would be great to carry on our tradition! It's been a fun and heart-warming event and a great time to gather our MINIs, do some good, and enjoy each other's company during the holidays.
As my attorney friend says (whoda ever thought I'd have one of those??), 'What say you'?
Well I'm more than interested, but would hope that someone who has done this run before would be able to organize this event since I've barely gone on two runs myself (though ok ... I did organize one of them ... sort of)!
So whenever it is, if I'm still in the region I'll be there!
The first rule of MINI ownership is always wave at the other MINIs. The second rule of MINI ownership is always wave at the other MINIs.