Ah, Yellowmininy, one of my favorite MINI drivers comes up with a great response! "What's the frequency, Kenneth!" Almost as good as "Soylent Green is people!"
Couldn't help but think of one of those "prank" video clips when I seen your set up.
Here it is:
You pulling up to a busy intersection, with a crossing full of people. You get on the binders fairly briskly, and your antenna whips over the top, and happens to "nail" some pretty little tushy, that is totally unaware of your presence. The poor female, not knowing any better, whips around quickly, and smacks the guy behind her, right in the puss, nocking his hat into the next intersection.
A clip like that would be a "definite" must see!
I WILL BE watching for you, when I cross enter any intersections, and will have my hat on..."firmly"!!