A few months ago I bought new wheels and tires for my Mini. As soon as I put them on and turned my car on I realized I forgot to order the TPMS sensors. I considered taking the sensors out of my other wheels and putting them inside a pressurized PVC tube underneath the rear seats. This seemed like it would be annoying though since I would have had to unmount and remount the tires.
So, I started reading up on NCS Expert. I figured there had to be a way to shut off TPMS. There are all kinds of cool things you can do to your car with this program. The equipment and the program costs about $200 all together, so I found someone right outside of Rochester that has been coding BMW's for a while and asked him if he would like to give my Mini a shot. As we were looking through my code last night, we noticed that it's almost exactly the same as his e46 3 series is. It makes the whole process extremely easy.
For $50, he'll program anything you want, and reprogram it at a later date for no cost. I know first gen cars can be coded too, but I'm not sure what can be done. These are the things he did for me:
- Disabled TPMS
- I can now close the windows with the key fob
- Disabled speed overestimation...it's now DEAD ON ACCURATE with my GPS
- The "gong" is turned off when the key is in and the doors are open or when the seatbelt isn't plugged in
- The windows still roll up after the door has been opened
- The hazard lights have a cooler "double blink" pattern
- I can use the fogs & high beams at the same time
- The alarm light now blinks when the doors are locked even though I don't have an alarm
There are plenty more things you can have done with NCS Expert, but this is all I wanted. These are all little things I've always been annoyed with and now they're fixed!!
If you're interested, PM me for his email address!
I think the info for that is in one of these threads. If you search around for the cable, you can find it a lot cheaper than the people on NAM have bought it for.
I bought the cable a few months ago and fiddled with NCS Expert and it works pretty well. Tons of stuff you can do and there is even an shared document on what people have been successful doing on what year and everything.
The first rule of MINI ownership is always wave at the other MINIs. The second rule of MINI ownership is always wave at the other MINIs.