Jack & Laurie are once again hosting a visit from Randy Webb at their house in Lewiston on Sat & Sun 11/12 & 11/13 for anyone thinking of performance mods to their Mini. On Saturday afternoon we'll have a social get together to add to the technical part of the event, so anyone who would like to come along is welcome. Our menu plan is hots & hamburgs, and bring a dish to pass, like chips, salad or dessert. (We'll have the basics there, hots, burgers, soda etc).
Dinner will be sometime around 5 pm, but folks will be there earlier, if you can't get enough of talking about Minis!
Directions are here: http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~empson/ppdir/ppdir.htm
Info on performace mods can be found on the Southern Ontario Mini site (may bneed registration to view or post) http://www.somc.on.ca/forum/viewtopic.php?forum=5&showtopic=23890
This was a LOT of fun! We had great weather on Saturday, and had a pretty good turnout, though more Canadians than New Yorkers were in attendance. Thanks again to Jack & Laurie for hosting this. Even though I have a completely unmodified Cooper (except for the ducks) I always learn something from Randy Webb, and I think he's missing a career as a standup comedian. Well, he's not exactly missing it, since performance mods and commentary really do go well together!
Laurie and I want to thank everyone that came out for the latest PP. We managed to get the best weather of the month, It snowed and rained the next weekend.
As usual a good time was had by all. We now all know what Suck Squeeze Bang Blow means and how important it is to our cars.
I want to extend a special thanks to Cathleen and the other members from the Western New York MINI Club for a most excellent cook out.
The next PP will be sometime in May. Start saving.
Wait a minute, I was there... I don't remember Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow... Not from that party, anyway...
I had a great time, as I always do at Jack & Laurrie's, and Randy is a very funny guy, even if he is a little picky about his burgers. Duncan always makes me laugh, as well. Cathleen, my new dog thanks you for the blue duck. Jack, thanks not only for the party, but for introducing the States to Canadian Seasoning (mixture of bark, pine needles and crushed maple leaves). Thanks to Martin for the coffee & donut from Tim's.